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Faculty and students participated global alumni relay in Kiev for LZU’s 110th anniversary

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        On the morning of August 25, the ‘Run for LZU Relay’ was held in Park Kiev in Kiev, Ukraine to celebrate the 110th anniversary of our university. Participants included our summer exchange delegation and LZU alumi in Ukraine. During the event, our faculty and students demonstrated the spirit of "self-improvement and uniqueness," to celebrate the 100th birthday of our alma mater.


Alumi who joined the event included WEI Liming (President of LZU Alumini Association in Ukraine; Professor of Art Academy, Ukraine Normal University; Director of Center for Development of Chinese Cultural Education), ZHANG Hao (Seceretary General of LZU Alumini Association in Ukraine; Journalist of Science and Technology Daily), WANG Jinguo (Dean of School of Politics and International Relations, LZU), MENG Hui (Associate Dean of School of Marxism, LZU), as well as associate professors from the school, WANG Yantao,, XIA Miao, and LI Dongpo. LZU’s exchange students in Ukraine, the delegation members, and some Ukrainian alumi and their families also attended the event.


The relay kicked off at 9:00 a.m. with beautiful weather. Banners and the LZU flag were put out while those who stood by cheered for the racers. LZU alumi were dressed in uniforms for the spirit. Amid exciting cheers, runners quickly finished the race.


As a mark of celebration, LZU alumni posed for a group photo and cheered ‘happy birthday to our alma mater!’out loud. ‘I feel honored to join this global relay in our school’s founding anniversary celebration. I send my best wishes afar from Kiev,’ said professor MENG Hui.

‘I truly wish LZU a happy 110th birthday and wish our school a bright future!’said YANG Huaichuan, an LZU student.

During the exchange, the delegation was warmly received by the LZU alumni in Ukraine.The ‘LZU map’ drawn globally with relays around the world is a significant way of celebration.